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Anxious Thoughts Controlling Your Life? 


Are you tired of feeling held back by overwhelming anxiety and self-doubt? You wake up feeling tense, and you can feel the weight of your anxiety in your body. When you get to work, you're unable to focus, your mind is racing, and you spend more time second-guessing yourself than getting work done. When you're out with friends or family you are in your head worrying, being cautious of your surroundings instead of giving in and enjoying the moment.

It's time to take control back and reframe anxious thought patterns from fear into freedom through hypnosis.  

Instead of just trying to ignore or suppress anxious thoughts and feelings, hypnosis offers a proven approach to help you address the root cause.

Together, through my unique hypnotherapy program, you'll experience a blend of coaching and traditional therapy. We will get clear on your goals, your blocks and beliefs that are holding you back, mixed with the transformational power of hypnosis to help you reframe and reprogram your beliefs.

This powerful combination of conscious and subconscious therapy will allow you to effortlessly align with the life you desire and embody your calmest and most confident self. Catch yourself thinking, 'Who am I?!' as you reflect on your anxiety-free day. How you woke up feeling light and energized, looking forward to your morning coffee, went through your work day, errands and back home without all of all that unnecessary overthinking. You're simply doing wha you need to and being your best self. 

Client Transformation

From debilitating Anxiety Attacks >Confident Working Mom

Before Hypnotherapy

This client came to me after a debilitating anxiety attack “hit her like a ton of bricks” and lasted a couple of days. She had been experiencing attacks like this for decades.

She could not sleep or sit still. Her mind would spiral, and she would have to get up and distract herself whenever she tried to relax, which was incredibly frustrating.

At work, her body would tense up at the sight of emails piling up, she was constantly second-guessing herself at work although she knew she was good at her job. 

At home, she was not showing up as the mother she wanted to be. She was avoiding family outings with the dread of “I know I’m going to get anxious if we go there”

After Hypnotherapy 

Fast forward just a few sessions - which she highly looked forward to every week - her tension is gone at work. She remains relaxed even on the busiest of work days when the emails keep piling up and the phone won't stop ringing. She's got this. 

The little things no longer bother her. Traffic on the way to work and laundry piling up at home isn't worth getting worked up about.

She is enjoying her weekends again, feeling present with her family while out shopping or at events instead of staying on high alert for everyone and everything going on around them. 

Anxiety isn't on her mind while making plans with her kids or planning vacations with her husband. Her mind feels clear, and rational. She knows she can handle anything that comes her way.

 You Are Not Your Anxious Thoughts

It's time to reclaim your power and break free from the grip of anxious thoughts once and for all with hypnosis.



My Signature Method For Transformation

Experience the best of coaching and traditional talk therapy with the transformational power of hypnosis. You can consciously desire to be more carefree, fun, and confident, but unless your unconscious thoughts and beliefs align with your desires, you'll continue to feel stuck and far from your goals. 

This is why many clients will share that they have been to therapy for years; they feel temporary relief and understand their anxiety more, but anxiety continues to be apart of their everyday. 

My unique hypnotherapy program blends both conscious and unconscious reprogramming to help you effortlessly embody your ultimate self in just 5 sessions over the course of 8 weeks. 

Imagine waking up feeling light and energized, actually looking forward to your morning coffee. You get to work and your mind is clear, you exude confidence on your client calls. On your way home, the little things no longer bother you, traffic, the long line at the grocery store. You're cool, calm and collected. All of that unnecessary overthinking is gone. You're simply living your life, instead of obsessing over the details. 


Get clear on your goals. What you want and how you wish to feel. This may seem obvious but many anxious clients are more focused on what they don't want, which only attracts it more to them. Where attention flows, energy goes.


Learn how to stop living unconsciously, constantly repeating the same anxious, negative through patterns and behaviours to control your life. 


Everything is a learned association. Just like you learned the anxious responses you experience now, you can un-learn them. Using your own internal resources, memories and moments of feeling calm, peaceful, confident, we can reframe any and all areas where you currently experience anxiety to know you are safe and in control. 


Looking at where you wish to be vs where you are now, we can assess where you are not in alignment. What has to change and how can you integrate the parts of your beliefs or thought patterns that are currently in conflict through holistic acceptance and part therapy work.


Now you can embody your ultimate self with ease. Waking up calm and rested, getting to work feeling focused and motivated to do your best, feel present at home with your family or with your friends on the weekend. This isn't another tool to practice, you are being and embodying this at the unconscious level. Feeling calm, confident at peace is who you are. 


Unlike other anxiety relief methods that simply mask, suppress or provide temporary relief, this program gets to the root of your anxiety , heal it at the source and provide lasting transformation. You will also receive recordings of our sessions to help you fall asleep at night and continue to solidify all of the amazing reprogramming work you've completed. 

The Higher Self Method

  • 5 60-Minute-one-on-one personalized hypnotherapy sessions
  • All sessions and consultations are online via Zoom
  • Receive 2-3 personalized hypnosis recordings for daily listening
  • Our first 3 sessions will be weekly, and the remaining 2 sessions will be bi-weekly.
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Client Transformation

Social Anxiety & Self Doubt > Travel, Promotions & Freedom

Before Hypnotherapy

This client had never experienced anxiety in her life, and recently found it controlling all aspects of her life. 

She used to love going out with friends to new restaurants, weekend getaways with her boyfriend, and out of no where she was experiencing shortness of breath, her heart racing, like she was about to have a panic attack whenever she was out.

She loved her job, but suddenly found herself feeling incredibly nervous at night closing up the shop. She didn't want to drive home at night in the dark. 

Even at home, every night these anxious feelings came what seemed to be out of no where. Her partner as much as he tried to understand, didn't know how to help and she felt like a burden. 

After Hypnotherapy 

After our sessions, she felt like her old self again. She was the one booking and looking forward to nights out with her girlfriends. 

Just days after she would tell me about an evening driving home from the best day out with her partner, she volunteered to drive, where she was previously avoiding driving at night, and sang along to the radio with the window down feeling so peaceful and present for the first time in a long time. 

At work, she no longer passed up promotions that would require her to travel because she knew she could handle it. She looked forward to the new responsibilities and opportunities. 

She now has the tools to be aware of her thoughts before letting them spiral out of control. She is calm, confident and in control. 

"The most effective thing I’ve ever done for my lifelong anxiety was working with Elisa. She helped me reframe my thinking and truly believe it. I cannot recommend Elisa enough"

-Julia N.

"I absolutely loved my sessions with Elisa she was amazing at helping me with my anxiety and I would recommend hypnotherapy to anyone looking for help with anxiety. Thank you so much Elisa"

-Nadia C.



I'm a certified hypnotherapist who believes anything is possible when you learn to harness the power of your subconscious mind.

I first discovered hypnosis when I tried it to boost my confidence. It changed my life forever. I was working in a real estate office and saw that year after year, the top agents were using hypnosis. I had to try it. 

At the time I was starting my own business and knew I was holding myself back. I feared showing up online, failing, selling my services to clients. After hypnosis, none of that mattered. I was focused, posting on social media daily, knowing my worth and communicating that confidently. I started implementing hypnosis with my business clients and saw it was the most impactful thing in their success. I knew then that hypnotherapy was my calling and have since created a business sharing this work clients across Canada, USA and the UK. 

When I'm not at work, you can find me trying a new yoga or pilates class. Travelling with my husband or just enjoying a good glass of wine and belly laughs with family and friends. I owe so much of the life I've manifested now to hypnotherapy and have made it my mission to share it with the world. 

"Elisa has been amazing. She made me feel empowered, confident, and ready to take on the world. I highly recommend giving her a try for a better you."

- Cecily C.

"WOW am I ever grateful I booked hypnosis with Elisa. One session allowed me to feel empowered, not to mention fully rested and at peace within my soul and mind."

- Joanna F.



If you're struggling with anxiety, knowing where to turn for help can be hard. That's why I offer free consultations to help you explore how hypnosis can help relieve anxiety.

During this consultation, we'll discuss your specific needs and concerns and answer any questions you may have about hypnosis.

You'll have the opportunity to experience a brief hypnosis session, so you can get a feel for how it works and what it can do for you.

I believe that everyone deserves to experience greater peace, calm, and confidence in their lives, and I'm committed to helping you achieve those goals through the transformative power of hypnosis.

So why wait? Book your free consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

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"Whether you're going through a breakup, want to heal something from your past, have anxiety or depression, or just want to attract more success or abundance into your life, I can't recommend Elisa enough! I am so grateful that I found her."

- Michelle V.

"Elisa has helped me get into deep states of relaxation where I can reprogram my subconscious mind for success. I recommend her to my patients to help with motivation, goals, anxiety, anything holding them back from being the healthiest version of themselves."

 - Dr. Lore S.

Book A Free Online Hypnosis Consultation

During this consultation, we'll discuss your specific needs and concerns and answer any questions you may have about hypnosis.

You'll have the opportunity to experience a brief hypnosis session, so you can get a feel for how it works and what it can do for you. 

5 session packages start at $1100, with payment plans available from $300. All sessions will be conducted online through Zoom.

You're one step closer to more peace, calm and confidence. I can't wait to meet you!

Frequently Asked Questions

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